The buket list

Most people will know this term from the recent Hollywood movie, „The bucket list“.

The list refers to everything we want to do before we die.

The buket list also gives us some details about a person’s passions. In my experience as a life coach sometimes it also makes sense to set the list before a big change in life. For example – the first child. Why do I do that with my clients? Because I think sometimes in life we think that we will miss something or we forget to do something before we become a mother/father or a husband/wife.
So the worst thing could be to look back and think „I missed something and now its too late“. Yes, “too late“ is some other problem we sometimes make in our head but, for this moment let’s take it seriously.
  • On the list for me it is important that there are only realistic things (so we really can do that)
  • short-term goals (less than 6 months)
  • long-term goals and some goals we will be waiting for in the future.

The buket list should be updated as often as we want, so it can grow with us and with our personality.

To help focus on it, it will be helpful to make a collage to display in your home. Or we can make a list on which we can check off the things we have done. The most important thing we must always think about is that the bucket list is for our joy! The buket list give us some good reason to keep on moving. If we think about the list as a „to-do“ we forget the point.

So make your own list, enjoy your time to focus on planing things and moving forwards, live with passion and don’t look back.

Everything is good at all times!

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